The Next Major Google Panda Refresh is Almost Here

The Next Major Google Panda Refresh is Almost Here

Google has not yet confirmed the actual release date for the next Panda refresh, but if we go by the rumours that are floating around on the Internet and the observations of SEO experts, Google has already tested this refresh and the fate of your site may have already been decided.

The next major Google Panda refresh is almost here.

According to Google officials, it is still coming soon.

But many SEO experts think Google has already tested this refresh and may have gathered enough data to decide the fate of websites.

It’s Still Coming Soon, Officially

It all started at the SMX Advanced conference last month in Seattle when Google’s Switzerland based Webmaster Trends Analyst Gary Illyes told the world about the next big update to the Panda filter.

Gary neither talked about the actual release date of the Panda refresh nor about the impact it would have on a website’s rankings.

He kept referring to it as “a data refresh” but SEO experts and enthusiasts believe it is going to make a dramatic impact on a website’s reputation and rankings.

What Else is Known about the Update

Unfortunately, nothing more is known about the update except that it is still coming soon.

One guy took the lead and decided to ask Gary about the update. His name is Barry Schwartz and he runs

On Twitter he tried to know more about the update from Gary Illyes. But all he came to know was to keep developing great content for websites and stop focussing on the upcoming refreshes.

Here is the Twitter exchange of replies between them. @methode is Gary Illyes and @rustybrick is Barry Schwartz.

“@methode: and it will be felt by the next Panda run, which should be “soon”? or too late for this Panda run?

 “@rustybrick: improve the site continuously, don’t focus on these refreshes!”

Gary avoided giving a clear answer to that question but since this was not an answer Barry wanted, he tried his luck one more time.

“@methode: will the changes made today be seen in the Panda refresh that launches soon?”

Gary again gave a Google-like response and avoided the question.

“@rustybrick: Improvements will generally have a positive impact on the site regardless of panda refreshes. You’re focusing on the wrong thing”

Barry couldn’t find any more details from Gary so he decided not to grill him anymore.

“@methode: so you won’t answer the question? personally, I always look to improve my site & answering that question is a good piece of content”

That’s all that is known about this update as of now.

Panda Data Refresh: Blessing or Curse

It’s not going to be a negative thing altogether. Chances are the websites that were badly hit by Panda last time may recover provided they have been doing what they are supposed to do (deliver quality content that provides value).

As per the Twitter exchange of comments above, it seems there’s no point in making the last minute changes to save your site from the Panda refresh because Google may already have gathered enough data to classify a website as “black” or “white”.

But we recommend that you continue with your efforts because it’s better late than ever.

Stay Tuned to Know More

We’ll keep this page up to date with critical information about the Panda update. Stay tuned if you do not want to miss out on that.



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