Latest Update on Google: Google Panda Might be around the Corner

Google Panda Update

Well, speculation is strife that there might be a Google update happening very soon, if not in the next few weeks. However, this is just a rumor and cannot be guaranteed. But, web owners and web designers got to be alert on the fact that even minor updates on Google Panda can have demoralizing effects on their websites.

As you know, Google Panda was first released by Google, on February 2011. The reason for them releasing this algorithm was to filter websites that came with poor website content and promote websites whose content was superior. The release saw some shocking results and several high profile websites were caught red handed and some were even banned on Google.

That is the reason you never take a Google Panda update lightly. The search engine results of your website could be affected drastically when your content is poorly written. This is something which you will want to keep in mind. Guys at WebmasterWorld have been discussing about a possible update, but nothing concrete so far.

That is because there have been some huge shifts in crawl rates. That is something to watch out for. There have been some changes which are observed by several search engine optimization watchers on the web. Most of them feel that this is the effects of the Google Panda update which was talked about the whole of last week.

While some websites have got their rankings affected badly, some websites got lucky. These are signs of the possible Google Panda update which might have been already released, but you never know unless the search engine giant claims it. This is never a dull moment, especially if you own a website or are an Internet marketing consultant.

Google tracking tools like Algoroo, SERP Metrics, SERP Watch, and Mozcast have been showing minor changes since yesterday. Though it may be mobile related or not is the main thing. You never know what is up on their sleeve. Since the current trend seems to be plenty of users taking on their mobile devices for using the Internet.

However, it can affect websites accessed on computer systems and laptops. The only thing to lets you feel safe today is the fact that Google Panda updates happen only on Fridays. That has been the norm till now, it can change this time.

Let us all hope for the best and have a prayer on our lips on this one. It is not long before the d-day arrives.



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