Some Impressive Young Entrepreneurs Of 2015

Some Impressive Young Entrepreneurs Of 2015

It’s not easy to build a startup however; the kind of hype and appeal portrayed of entrepreneurship today, it requires you need to do the following in order.

  • Attract and work with people who share your vision, values and objectives
  • Develop complementary skills and form a core team
  • Identify and target the rightly growing market
  • Add substantial value to your clients through innovative product / service
  • Keep innovating and remember whom you are going to serve

As a startup founder, you have to be a leader, storyteller, recruiter, product developer, manager, marketer, salesperson, fundraiser, cheerleader, change maker, risk taker and guardian; in short EVERYTHING.

We have recently gathered details about young entrepreneurs who seem quite promising in the coming year. They all are adaptable and flexible, communicate humbly but firmly, learn quickly, implement sound business processes, and execute pragmatically with purpose and focus.

  1. William Zhou, co-founder and CEO of; a startup that develops a suite of productivity apps for K-12 Educators, used in over 20,000 schools worldwide. solves the problems of lesson planning, assessment, and collaboration and eases teachers’ pain by facilitating personalized education and driving student success.
  2. Brennen Bryne, co-founder and CEO of Clef; a safe and easy way to log into websites without passwords by recognizing your phone instead of anything else to remember or type. Clef already powers logins for more than 40,000 sites across the internet and is growing rapidly among bitcoin, gaming and developer tool sites.
  3. Adam Lipecz, co-founder and CEO of Codie; a toy robot and an application designed to teach kids programming outside the traditional classroom. Various industries and organizations have popped up with offers on Codie both for-profit and non-profit purposes.
  4. AJ Cihla, CEO and founder of Colatris; a software that is taking mobile apps to the international stage by adapting target languages and cultures. Colatris gives you the ability of localization (usually a very costly service) that offers multilingual experiences within minutes so you can target the growing mobile market since the beginning.
  5. Daniel Fine, founder and CEO of Dosed; a mobile solution intended to manage and track the insulin dosage for Type-1 Diabetics. Diabetic People frequently estimate nutritional information and miscalculate insulin dosages. Dosed controls the estimation and gives accurate information to eliminate the risk of human calculation error.
  6. Sarah Tulin, founder and CEO of Oxie; the first smart and wearable air purifier that fits under your collar. You don’t need to put a mask on your smile as Oxie comes equipped with advanced aerodynamic technology with a sleek, fashionable and efficient design to protect users from pollutants including traffic smoke, pollen, and germs.

The Bottom Line:

If being an entrepreneur is tough, being a young entrepreneur is even tougher. With significantly less experience, young startup founders must be prepared to take all challenges.

Remember, great ideas don’t knock at your door; you must pursue them by often sitting across the table from skeptical veterans: potential customers, employees, partners and investors.



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