Rise of India as a Startup Nation

Rise of India as a Startup Nation

Not too long ago, there was the time when people were careless and frivolous about their future during the second decade of their lives. Over last few years, we have seen dramatic changes in the thought process of Indian youth.

The urge to establish themselves independent in front of their families and friends, has definitely motivated the young population to take some serious steps towards their career.

So, how are you going to prove yourself at the age of 20? I know, it seems like a heave and introspective question to many of us; yet there will be no surprise if you see them ready with an answer that might impress you sometimes.

Also read: What is more significant to a Startup; Founders or Employees?

Will to Create

Discuss the matter with an IIT or IIM student and you might find some great business ideas. You will be stunned to see the way they think and discuss the idea with anyone; it will be no big deal if they could convince you to finance their idea and you might end up investing money into a potential endeavor.

A recent research report explains that 1 out of every 5 fresh IIT students is purely business minded and hence, instead of sitting in for the interviews and campus selections, they are devoting their time to build a new concept for their own businesses.

A lot of advancement is happening inside the corridors of colleges and universities and certainly, we all are going to witness the changes brought by this.

This surely changes the perception of Indian People towards the work. While most of us used to think of higher packages and stability few years back; the new breed is more concerned about their freedom to work and grow.

The will to form a new business is mostly based on their indirect yet bitter experiences related to jobs and the best way to skip such pressure is simply by working for yourself in your own office.

The Spirit within:

The Expert opinion on the matter concludes with the fact that more than 4,000 new Indian startups will rise in 2016 with the efforts of students and graduates from various IITs and IIMs.

The success or failure in future solely depends on what in being created today. The large tree will grow from this tiny seed only. You can only create a startup if you have a good idea and talent to convince people that it’s worth buying.

The recent questionnaires conducted at IIT and IIM campuses revealed the information that most of the young students are willing to get into entrepreneurships and sustain startup ventures.

This spirit transcends a whole contrivance fixed into their system to get this motivating force alive and to help them achieve big goals with their passion and enthusiasm.

Also read: Prioritizing the Cost for Your Startup

The Future of Startups:

The young Indian innovators are now expanding their boundaries by challenging the olden conventional system which creates limitation for their works and makes them feel uncomfortable at certain times.

You will find a lot of students discussing their startup ideas in the classrooms, hostel rooms and galleries, even in the canteens and the labs. It’s like each of the locations is turning into an entrepreneurship cell.

Graduates and service class people are also inclining towards starting their own firms and companies which will not only set them free from a routine office jo; but also enable them to create a lot more opportunities for others.

As far as the tradition goes, we are looking forward to a broad spectrum that will range from college campuses to a global business arena. India is deemed to rise as one of the best startup nations in coming years.

The Government Aid:

With the latest actions taken by the Indian Prime Minster Mr. Narendra Modi in this regard, Indian Entrepreneurs and Startup Owners are feeling much relaxed and motivated towards their objectives.

Indian Government is willing to provide all kind of assistance to new ideas that can create new prospects for national, social as well as individual benefits.

The “Make In India” Concept also encourages venture capitalists to invest in new business ideas from young Indian population and support them with the funding part for their startups.

You can also apply for various business loans and training programs controlled by the government itself and give your inputs while turning India into a startup nation.

The Bottom Line:

Seems like we all are curious to see the changes this model will bring to India. We are looking forward to a new nation that will have a lot more openings for people and stabilize the economy on an improvised level.

Let’s all hope that this zeal never goes down and we see the youth creating new records and achieving new heights with an unrestricted creative mind and support from the society and government.

So, what are you doing now? Are you thinking of some innovative idea that you can also turn into a startup? If yes, this is the time for you. Just express your thoughts with people and discuss the pros and cons of your idea.

You never know if you are going to become the next business tycoon of these evolving Indian Markets. We wish you all the best for your endeavors!



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