Mobile Friendly Algorithm Rollout by Google Affects Website Globally

Mobile Friendly Algorithm Rollout by Google

Google has recently launched the much awaited mobile friendly update to its algorithm. This rollout is essentially aimed towards making mobile based much ranking and searches more meaningful and productive for the advertisers and publishers as well as searchers alike. The rollout has just started and it will take around a week to get fully functional.

How This Update Will Work?

This update will help in boosting the ranking of the websites featuring mobile friendly pages based on the mobile search results. The searching on the mobile devices by using Google search engine will provide same kind of standard and advanced results as it does with its browser on PC and laptops.

Searchers will be benefitted with this update as they can more easily find high quality and relevant search results quickly. Search results will give preference to the readable text without the need of tapping and zooming by the searchers. Interestingly tap targets will be spaced appropriately followed with smart listing of which possesses unplayable content or horizontal scrolling.

The Major Affects of This Update

This mobile friendly update will affect on threefold manner

  • It will affect only the search ranking of websites on mobile devices.
  • Search results will be affected in all languages on global scale.
  • It applies to individual pages but not the complete website.

Content will always remain the ‘king’. If a web page possesses high quality and relevant content even though it’s not mobile friendly, it will get a higher rank on the basis of its content.

Differing Search Results on Mobile Based Device

The algorithm update has started showing its effects on the website ranking within a few days. A major technology centric website called ‘Moz’ showed the decline in its page rank in Google search results for ‘seo’ keyword. It fell from the position one to position two as it is not a mobile friendly website at the moment.

The data interpretation done by the SEO Clarity’s Ryan Heuser had shown a remarkable result of 1.7% difference. This difference shows the ranking of domains between the Google search engine listing on k and mobile against the previous few days back data. Websites which are already mobile friendly in nature are reaping the benefits on the searches based on mobile devices but others are lagging behind.

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Websites which has not yet invested in becoming mobile-friendly should now focus on developing and optimizing their website in order to get mobile friendly. The search engine giant Google has itself given this recommendation for the website to save their rank in its search engine and save the influx of visitors from mobile devices.

The guidelines had stated websites to get themselves mobile friendly by 21st April. Once the mobile friendly development has been completed, websites can check it by searching their website on the Google and if it possesses a gray ‘mobile friendly’ label next to the site, then all is good.

Some Tips to Follow While Going Mobile Friendly

Google had listed a criteria set for turning website into complete mobile friendly for its search engine. It has strictly asked the website to have software which is common on all mobile devices and stay from those which isn’t like Flash. Use such texts which are readable without the need of zooming.

Size the content in such a way on the website that the user doesn’t have to scroll horizontally. Linked should be placed far enough to ensure that it can clicked correctly by the searchers. Websites following these guidelines will reap benefits of the mobile based algorithm update without worrying about the page rank decline.



  1. For Algorithm I say that this is a blended symbol, something is good and something is bad in this, however it’s very early to come to a judgement about it.

  2. I always prefer the desktop version of the site, I think mobile friendly sites are quite subordinate.

  3. This is a larger than just a search engine, Google take this step for re-directing traffic to their own operating system Android and away from other operating system.


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