Content Writing 101: Why Original Content Matters and How to Create It

Content Writing 101

You need original content to promote your website. If you copy other people’s content, it can get you in trouble. Besides, duplicate content takes you nowhere. Use our tips to create original content that works like a charm.

Original content is the buzzword these days.

It is perhaps the most widely used term after “content is king”.

People are looking for ways to publish original content on their blogs or websites in order to attract more readers and rank well in search engines.

Some hire professional content writers to do the job while others do it themselves, writing unique content that is not found elsewhere.

If you are looking for simple ways to write original content, this guide is for you. Learn the proven techniques today and start writing unique content.

What is Original Content

Original content is one of a kind.

It is something you create yourself. It is based on your personal experience, knowledge, expertise or research.

You own it. Nobody else can copy it without your permission.

Original content is not something that has never been written. Chances are someone else has already written very well on the topic you are about to discuss.

As long as your content looks completely different from existing content, your content remains original.

Why Original Content Matters

Original content is very important.

  • It helps promote your website
  • It attracts readers
  • It converts your visitors into loyal fans who build your brand online
  • It improves your search engine rankings
  • It attracts links from other websites
  • It lets you establish authority in your niche

How to Create Original Content

To create original content on a topic from scratch, follow the steps listed below.

#1 – Do some research on your topic
Your first task is to grab as much authentic information as possible on your topic. Find out what other people are saying about your topic. Refer to several different blogs and websites. The more information you gather, the easier it becomes for you to write original content.

#2 – Analyse the information
Next comes analysing the information. Compare different articles to see which ones cover your topic effectively.

As you go through different articles on your topic, you may start noticing the scope for improvement. Maybe the writer missed certain important points. Maybe there is something valuable you can add from your personal experience.

#3 – Start writing on your topic
Decide what you want to cover in your article and start writing in your very own inimitable style!

Make use of subheads and bulleted lists to make your content easy to read online. Enhance your content with graphics. The final article that is published on your blog or website should look one of a kind, unlike any other piece of content ever written on a particular topic.

Over to You

By following the advice presented in this guide, you will always come up with original content on any topic. If you have found this article useful, share it with your friends and colleagues. Thanks for reading!



  1. Great article. I believe that unique or relevant content is king. I am a new blogger and content seems to be the biggest struggle. This may be helpful for me. Thanks.


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